Saturday, March 12, 2011

Book Review: Reading Club, Vol. 1 by Cho Ju-Hee & Suh Yun-Young

What's It About? Horror; books; reading; The Ring meets shojo?

Summary? After getting stuck with the job of cleaning her high school's long-forgotten library, a 9th grade girl stumbles across a suspicious looking book. Simply opening the book causes her to see unspeakable horrors - does she dare read it? If she does, she could find something more terrifying than she ever imagined...

Why Did I Read It?  It's a horror manga about an evil book. And it's called Reading Club. Kind of a no-brainer for me...  :)

What I Thought...
This...was...weird. Don't get me wrong: I dig horror. This has it, especially a panel spread that includes the image from the cover. *shudder* And, being a librarian, I can't help but hug books that are set in libraries, even when said libraries are filthy and largely ignored, as the high school library in Reading Club is.

HOWEVER. This book, in addition to the strange mystery of a book that may cause suicide and may be haunting a student at the school, is a medical examiner whose scenes are full of her going chibi and pretending to be a dead body so as to startle her assistants when she sits up with a scream. I'm not at all used to books who mix in slapstick humor in with the horror and gore...

I'll probably pass on future volumes, but I can think of a few teens who will eat this up!

YA Reading Challenge Count: 5

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