Summary? As fifteen-year-old Pemba adjusts to leaving her Brooklyn, New York, home for small-town Connecticut, a Black history researcher helps her understand the paranormal experiences drawing her into the life of a mulatto girl who was once a slave in her house.
Why Did I Read It & Where Did I Get It? While at work, the "ghost story" subtitle caught my eye. I checked it out from the library.
What I Thought...
This was a short yet interesting book about an African-American teen girl who moves with her mother from Brooklyn, NY to a small town in Connecticut. Angry at having to move and desperately missing her friends, Pemba initially brushes off her strange experiences in their new home, but when she seems to form a connection with the ghost of a slave -- experiencing unsettling blackouts at the same time -- she begins to delve deeper into the history of her house and the small town.
This would be a great ghostly read for reluctant readers, or for those looking for high interest/low reading level books.